Editorial Policy
News Maple aims to provide accurate and genuine news from around the world on Business, Economy, Technology, Health, Parenting, Celebrities along with major headlines. The following editorial policy explains how our team selects and reports the content published on our website. The policy also explains the factors that influence our content selection process and the tools you can use to contact us or submit your queries to us.
About This Policy
Web Sites Covered
Reference to “News Maple” or “We” or “newsmaple.com” or Our website means News Maple only,
News Maple Editorial Policy applies to newsmaple.com only. You are required to read the editorial policy of each website you visit after leaving newsmaple.com. Our website doesn’t provide any guarantee on the content displayed or reported on the websites other than newsmaple.com.
Editorial Policy Changes
This editorial policy may be changed from time to time to address the latest concerns and changes in the journalism ecosystem. We expect these changes to be very minor, if any major changes are made to this policy, the same will be displayed on our homepage for our viewers to review.
Editorial Policy
We at News Maple are always committed to providing an accurate representation of facts and figure and the related information to the best of our knowledge. We use multiple sources and tools to verify the validity of the information we publish on Newsmaple. We have a dedicated editorial team with more than 10 years of experience in journalism to handle content selection, development and reporting.
We have separate team which handles editorial content and the team which publishes content which may be influenced by our sponsors or advertisers. If the content published is influenced by any sponsors, such content will be labelled as appropriate to distinguish it from our editorial content.
Sources of our Information
Content published on Newsmaple is either created by us or is sourced from content providers whose editorial process passes our editorial guidelines. Furthermore, each such story or content is verified for its originality and validity before being published by our editorial team. All material on Newsmaple is written and published by our in-house writers/content creators after the editorial team’s approval. We may sometimes hire freelance journalists to report the data for which they are compensated. No monetary awards are accepted that can influence the facts and figures we report on News Maple.
Third-party editorial content may include government agencies, not-for-profit organisations, universities, and key stakeholders that provide news and information about some of the verticals we cover. All such content is thoroughly reviewed and checked for validity to avoid inaccurate reporting on our website. We rely on fact checking websites and multiple news website with appropriate editorial policy in place to verify the content we report before publishing it on News Maple.
Any content which has been found to be inaccurate is corrected before and after publishing to make sure our visitors and readers get the correct information when they visit News Maple. If the content reported is found to be out of date or irrelevant in the latest context, such content will be moved to archive and later removed from the website.
Linking to other sites
Wherever necessary, we may link to third party websites to provide further reading for our users or to mention the source of the content which we have taken to publish the content. Linking to such websites does not mean we guarantee the validity of other data and content published on such websites. We take no responsibility for the content reported on such websites(if the content is not similar to the reported content on our website) and users are advised to do their due diligence before accepting or sharing such content. Please read our terms of use for further understanding on how and why we link to certain websites and what precautions users must take before visiting such websites.
Financial Information and Outside Influence
News Maple like any other website on the internet relies on advertising and product placements to pay the day to day costs associated with running this website. We have the following guidelines in place to make sure our financial requirements do not influence the content we publish or news we report:
We make a clear differentiation between sponsored content and our editorial content.
Sponsored content if published will be accurately labelled and the respective sponsor will be mentioned at the start of each such sponsored content.
We accept NO monetary compensation for altering the content which is verified by our editorial team to be true.
Editorial content once published cannot be changed by anyone except the editorial team and will be changed by the team only in case it’s found to be inaccurate or out of date or the meaning for the said content is not at all relevant in the present context.
Any third party authors if any are invited to write for our websites, are required to complete non-affiliation form where they are required to disclose any affiliation with third party advertisers or sponsors and if their content is influenced by any monetary gains. Such content and content writers are not accepted on our platform and will be removed immediately on realization. We also have a dedicated editorial team which checks for inaccuracy or incorrect reporting facts and figures in such submissions. The editorial team also checks for past experience of such content creators and content acceptance rate to make sure the quality of content on News Maple is per the standard defined by our editorial team.
We welcome any comments, questions, or complaints you have about this editorial policy or our websits. Please feel free to contact us through our contact form.